Rescue a Scruff-a-Luvs and give them their forever home! Which Scruff-a-Luv will you rescue? Which Scruff-a-Luvs will you rescue? Will you find a Scruff-a-Luvs Bunny, Puppy or Kitty inside? Your Scruff-a-Luvs pet arrives as sad ball of matted fur, bathe them in a warm bath and groom their "soft-touch" fur. Discover their beautiful true colors! Then dry, brush, and love them and you will discover what kind of pet they really are! Finally, place their collar and tag around their neck to give them a 'furbulous' look!
Which Scruff-a-Luvs Will You Rescue?
Inside the box is a mystery pet waiting to be rescued! This little abandoned pet needs your love and your help. Will you find a Scruff-a-Luvs Bunny, Puppy or Kitty?
Wash, Dry And Reveal!
Your Scruff-a-Luvs pet arrives as ball of matted fur, but once you bathe them to reveal their true color, dry them, brush them and love them you will discover what kind of pet they really are! This is the first step to make your Scruff-a-Luvs go from scruffy to fluffy. This process can be repeated if necessary to remove all residue.
New Realistic Pets To Discover!
Wash your Scruff-a-Luvs to discover their true colors! Which pet will you discover?
Love Your New Scruff-a-Luvs!
Every Scruff-a-Luvs pet comes with their very own collar and tag so they can stay by your side.
Make Them Your Own.
Each Scruff-a-Luvs comes with an adoption certificate for you to fill in. Give your Scruff-a-Luvs a loving home and make them your own! With love and care they'll be your FFF (Furry Friend Forever).