​Inspired by Wish from Walt Disney Animation Studios, the Queen Amaya of Rosas fashion doll captures the magic and heart from the animated musical film! With posability, a regal and removable outfit and accessories, the Queen Amaya doll features the character's signature looks with true-to-movie details. Fans can create their own stories and memories in the kingdom of Rosas! Dolls cannot stand alone. Colors and decorations may vary.
​Relive the fun movie moments with Disney's Wish Queen Amaya of Rosas fashion doll!
​Inspired by the animated characters, Queen Amaya wears her signature removable gown and crown.
​The posable doll includes storytelling accessories like 3 necklaces, a bracelet, and a hairbrush for endless styling fun!
​Highlighting the magic of wishing, Disney's Wish dolls make an inspiring gift for kids to play out their biggest dreams!
​Fans can collect their favorite movie characters to recreate scenes and make up their own storylines and adventures. Each sold separately, subject to availability.

Disney Wish Queen Amaya Of Rosas Doll

Tax included.

4 payments of $11.25

Sale prices where applicable are available online and at participating stores.
Product prices and availability may vary, from store to store. Please contact your local store for more information.