In Disney's animated movie, Moana, Moana of Oceania sets sail on an unimaginable adventure to save the people of Motonui! Hear this Moana fashion doll sing her iconic song, "How Far I'll Go" -- simply push her light-up shell necklace to start the music. Kids will love singing along to the hit song from the movie! She is wearing a molded bodice and a beautiful, movie-inspired skirt with floral print and details reminiscent of her island homeland.

This Moana fashion doll has long, brushable curly brown hair that kids will love to style for all kinds of imaginary oceanic adventures. A great birthday gift or holiday present for kids 3 years old and up, fans of Moana big and small will love to add this Moana toy to their Disney Princess collection

Disney Princess Musical Moana Doll

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