No Deposit Lay Away TERMS

No Deposit Required: This layaway offer requires no initial deposit to secure your items. No Interest: There will be no interest charged on layaway items. Layaway Period: Items can be held on layaway up to the 18th of December. Regular Payments: Customers are required to make regular payments during the layaway period. The frequency and amount of these payments will be determined at the time of the layaway agreement. In-Store Only: This layaway offer is only available in-store. It is not available online or via click and collect. Individual Store Policies: This layaway offer is available at participating stores. As each store is individually owned and operated, specific terms and conditions may vary. Customers should check with their local store for their full layaway terms.
Cancellation and Refunds: If the layaway is canceled by the customer or if the customer fails to meet the payment schedule, the store's individual cancellation and refund policies will apply. Pick-Up Deadline: All layaway items must be paid in full and picked up by the 18th of December. Items not picked up by this date may be subject to cancellation and restocking fees as per the store's policy. Eligibility: This layaway offer is subject to eligibility requirements as determined by the individual store. Changes to Terms: The store reserves the right to modify or terminate this layaway offer at any time without prior notice. Contact Information: For any questions or concerns regarding layaway terms, customers are encouraged to contact their local store directly. By participating in this layaway offer, customers agree to these terms and conditions.